pandas. bitch. run. now.

pandas. bitch. run. now.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Happy Mister... Presi...dent...

Whether I want to be or not, as of fifteen minutes ago, I am nineteen.

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(This was about the only acceptable picture that encompassed one's 19th birthday on Google. The others...well, you google "nineteenth birthday" and see what comes know, aside from the other pictures I'm about to use.)

Going through all of these pictures I Googled though, a thought hit me: there's a lot of shit I won't be getting this year. That includes:

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cake. (And a brief story about this particular cake - YES, it's real! The woman whose cake this was made her 5-year-old son have a piece for breakfast. And he hated it. She then let him have a hot dog for breakfast instead. She's officially my favorite person ever now. I can't wait to do that with my kids on upcoming birthdays - FORCE THEM TO EAT CAKE FOR BREAKFAST ON MY BIRTHDAY! And then probably not let them do so on their own birthday. Mwahahahahahahaha. This, of course, assuming I even have kids...)

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present(s). Yes, seriously.

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cool hybrid cake-presents.

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mid nineteenth-century silverware.

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birthday parades. screw you, William Shakespeare.

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Chris, singing to me in his spiffy little cute suit. You're off the hook...this year.

It's just as well I guess...right? I usually let somebody ruin my birthday, either by caring too much about whether or not their enjoying themselves or what-not, so someone probably would've tainted any of those things above anyway. But they'd still be nice...

So! A few other tidbits about my birthday to fill up the remaining 19 hours my friends have to ruin it! My birthday, April 13th, is also:

-the ides of April. Beware, folks. Beware. :-O
-Thai New Year.
-Cambodian New Year.
-Vaisakhi. (I dunno either.)
-Aerosmith Day in Massachusetts.

I also happen to celebrate my birthday with:

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Thomas Jefferson (264 years old today!)

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Caroline Rhea (43 years old today!)

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Rick Schroder (37 years old today!)

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Lou Bega (the Mambo #5 guy, people) (32 years old today!)

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Kyle Howard (I LOVE his eyebrows.) (29 years old today!)

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Nellie McKay (25 years old today!)

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Kayla Sharon Porter (my twin sister) (19 years old today! Can you believe it?!)

Happy Birthday to all of these people I [always have to] share my [damn] birthday with. Let's all make an effort to make the best of it, ok?

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